(843) 225-9985 officesc@ashbusters.net

We Service & Inspect Gas Fireplace Appliances

Have you recently converted to a new gas fireplace insert? One of the major advantages of gas is the low maintenance involved. Not only can do you avoid ash clean up, but the fire burns so much cleaner too. When you burn wood, creosote develops naturally as a residue...

Maintaining a Gas Fireplace

You love the convenience and ease of your gas fireplace. You can light a fire from your couch by pressing a button on a remote control device. Because a gas fireplace can also be a dependable heating appliance, it can be frustrating when a operating problem occurs...

Ask About Our Fireplace Store

Now that fall is here, you should be planning your winter heating strategy for your home. To get more heat without increasing your utility bills, consider an update to your traditional masonry fireplace. You could also add a new hearth appliance for supplemental...

We Can Convert Your Fireplace to Gas Logs

If your utility bills have been increasing each year, you might want to consider upgrading your old masonry fireplace. It’s time to upgrade to a more energy-efficient set of gas logs. While your traditional fireplace provides a great atmosphere and sensory...

We Can Work on Your Gas Fireplace

Many people update their older wood-burning fireplaces to gas fireplace inserts. This is because of the many benefits that come with using these hearth heating appliances. A gas fireplace can greatly increase the energy efficiency in your home. This means you will get...