by John Perdue | Mar 20, 2020 | Wood to Gas Grill Conversion
When you are considering ways to increase the energy efficiency in your home, you may want to think about converting your wood-burning fireplace to gas. Not only can a gas fireplace heat your home more efficiently and economically, but it can also be much more... by John Perdue | Feb 28, 2020 | Fireplaces
Relaxing in front of the fireplace is one of your favorite things to do with your family, but lately it seems like every time you try to start a fire, you end up with more smoke coming into your home instead of going out through the chimney. Unfortunately, no matter... by John Perdue | Feb 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Call A Chimney Sweep, Not A Roofer For Chimney Leaks Water is your chimney’s #1 enemy and only a professional chimney sweep knows how to find and repair leaks to maintain the structure’s integrity. Leaving damages unrepaired will not only cause you... by John Perdue | Jan 29, 2020 | chimney maintenance
One of the best things about a new year is the chance to make a fresh start in different aspects of your life. For many homeowners, the beginning of the year is a great opportunity for home improvement projects. In the Charleston region, Ashbusters has a team of... by John Perdue | Dec 12, 2019 | chimney maintenance
As we head into the holiday season here in the Charleston region, the fireplace is a popular spot for friends, family, and loved ones to gather around and celebrate. To be sure that your chimney and fireplace system will work safely and efficiently throughout the...