(843) 225-9985 officesc@ashbusters.net

Common Causes of Chimney Odors

If the house smells funny no matter how many candles are lit and air freshners are plugged in, the problem may be chimney odors. Even people who do not use their chimneys often are vulnerable to unpleasant smells coming from their fireplace. There are many common...

Keeping Your Chimney Creosote Free

The best way to keep your chimney free of creosote is to never burn wood in your fireplace. Far from flippant advice, this is meant to bring into sharp focus what happens with every use of a wood-burning fireplace. Every time smoke carries combustibles up the chimney,...

Spring Cleaning Your Chimney

“April is the cruelest month”…not only does it tease with flickers of spring but it conceals the return of fall. Forgetting most of what we learn in high school, our memories of The Wasteland are usually limited to that single line. The IRS brings it back every...

What NOT To Burn In Your Chimney

You thought we meant “fireplace”, right? It is true that what you burn in the fireplace is directly related to what you should not burn in your chimney. Certain woods produce more smoke, and that definitely contributes to the problem under discussion. That problem,...