(843) 225-9985 officesc@ashbusters.net

Every winter, Ashbusters gets calls from our customers about problems with drafty chimneys. Whether it is an issue with starting and maintaining a fire or smoke blowing back into their homes, we can diagnose what is causing the frustration. Chimney draft problems keep you from enjoying warm and cozy fires when the weather outside is cold and dreary. Our Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)-certified chimney technicians will help you and your loved ones be able to stay warm and comfortable by your fireplace. We would like to tell you more about draft problems with your chimney.


Drafty Chimneys - Charleston SC - AshbustersIf your chimney is too small or too large for your fireplace or other hearth appliance, draft problems are likely to occur. In order for your chimney to draft properly, there has to be enough heat inside it. Also, any mismatches in size between the hearth appliance and the flue will lead to drafty chimneys. The height of your chimney also has a big effect on draft. This is one of the reasons modern building codes have instituted that all chimneys must be at least three feet above the roof where it exits and two feet higher than any part of the roof within ten feet. Ashbusters can make the necessary repairs to get the right fit for proper draft and safety codes.


When debris from leaves, bird and animal nesting, creosote, and fallen bricks and mortar joints is blocking the exit of your chimney, smoke, toxic gases, and other byproducts of combustion are forced back into your home. If you are having issues with a smoky fireplace, Ashbusters will inspect your chimney and remove any blockage. We will also look for any possible chimney leaks. According to Mother Earth News, leaks, especially in the bottom half of the chimney, can cause improper chimney drafting. After our inspection, we provide you a written report on the condition of your chimney, along with photos of any damage we find that is problematic. If damage is found, you will also receive a written estimate of necessary repairs.

Are you dealing with a drafty chimney? Ashbusters can help! Contact us today to schedule an appointment for our professional chimney inspection services.