If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, you are most likely making a to-do list of all of the things that need to take place before it is time to sign real estate contracts. When there is a chimney involved with a real estate transaction, a professional Level 2 chimney inspection is recommended in addition to the home inspection. If you are in the Charleston area, Ashbusters provides every level of chimney inspection, along with our other professional chimney maintenance, repair, and installation services. We would like to answer a couple of commonly asked questions about real estate chimney inspections.
What exactly is a Level 2 chimney inspection?
To provide a clear standard to chimney professionals across the country, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designated three different levels of professional chimney inspections. Level 2 includes everything in the basic Level 1 inspection, which means a certified chimney professional will examine the readily accessible portions to look for the soundness of the chimney structure and as well as the installation and connections of the appliance. What makes a Level 2 chimney inspection so different is a video camera is used during the inspection. This is why it is recommended for homes on the real estate market as well as when you make a change to the fireplace appliance, have an issue like a chimney fire occur, or experience an external event such as a a lightning strike.
What can I expect from a professional chimney inspection from Ashbusters?
If we are performing a Level 2 inspection, we will wind a video camera up or down the chimney to give us an up-close look at what is going on inside the flue. We will be looking for damage to the chimney liner, large accumulations of creosote and soot, blockages of the flue, and other issues that could create hazards inside the chimney. The video camera not only gives us an inside eye on the situation, but it also provides pictures of any damage or other problems found inside the chimney. These pictures can be used for home insurance claims and real estate contracts. Ashbusters provides every level of chimney inspection as part of our comprehensive professional chimney maintenance services.
Considering buying or selling a home? Contact us today at Ashbusters to schedule an appointment for a Level 2 real estate chimney inspection.